Used Python to implement supervised and unsupervised learning models from the ground up including perceptron, MLP, decision tree, k-nearest neighbor, k-means, and HAC models
Researched and applied use of ML to identify Reddit users active in different mental-health related subreddits based on the contents of their posts
Learned to use existing ML libraries such as scikit-learn
Studied and implemented algorithms in Python including Diffie-Hellman key exchange and AES and RSA encryption
Studied and executed exploits based on common vulnerabilities, including buffer overflow, MAC extension, and pre-image/collision hash attacks
Developed core features of an operating system in C, including a shell, multitasking, virtual memory management, task scheduling, and file management
Built a Twitter clone for Android using Java
Implemented back end using AWS Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, and SQS
Learned to use system calls in C to deal with signals, form network connections, and implement concurrent processing
Created an HTTP proxy server
Studied and designed algorithms using graph theory, dynamic programming, divide-and-conquer, and branch-and-bound methods; implemented in Python
Implemented algorithms in Python
Studied and designed various computational models, including finite state automata, push down automata, and Turing machines
Created an ancestry mapping app for Android in Java
Developed a back end web server and API for the app in Java with an SQLite database
Wrote programs in C++ to parse, lex, and interpret Datalog statements
Designed finite state automata to interpret regular languages
Programmed in C
Studied data types and processing
Worked with Assembly code
Wrote programs in C++ for use on the Fulton Supercomputer
Learned to use various development tools including Git, Slurm, and CMake
Learned to implement optimizations including compiler settings and multi-threading
Learned to implement various data structures in C++, such as stacks, queues, deques, and linked lists
Learned the basics of C++, including the implementation of classes and methods using header files
2015 – 2016
Worked independently, studying various languages including JavaScript, Python, HTML, and CSS
Assisted AP CS students with their Java programming assignments
2014 – 2015
Learned Java and wrote programs in preparation for the AP test