Help, I’m locked out but I have a recording from the lph!
A challenge clarification was issued partway through the CTF, after I had already solved the challenge. I personally think the clarification gave away a little too much detail on the required steps for solving the challenge, but obviously it would have been to my advantage for less people to be able to solve it. Hopefully my solution below will show how most of the clarification details can be figured out based on the challenge alone.
lph challenge clarification
the combination dialed is not a "real" combination that would open the lock. English words were spelled out on the dial but the general rules that combination locks follow would have required that the dial was spun around too much in order to support a combination so long. I took shortcuts to make your lives easier. There is a picture of the lock used. You will be able to narrow down the possible combinations to fewer than 100. The correct combination should stand out as the one that is readable English that makes sense.
We’ll start by going through the various files provided.
Listening to the recording, you’ll hear the following:
Looking at a spectrogram of the recording, we’ll see the same characteristics of the clicks as mentioned above:
This confirms that the recording probably was probably engineered in some way, and isn’t a literal recording. This means it’s possible the combination isn’t being entered exactly as a real combination might be.
Looking at the spectrogram also made it a lot easier to determine the number of clicks for each set of clicks, which is as follows:
[5, 5, 17, 14, 13, 7, 14, 13, 21, 13]
flag.txt reads:
Rather than a numeric combination, it looks like the combination will be an alphabetical one.
If you look through the photos directory, you’ll see that there’s only one image that doesn’t follow the naming pattern of the others, m1573l.jpg. This image is also the only one of a combination lock (all the others are of padlocks). From there I assumed that it was safe to say that the lock pictured in m1573l.jpg was the one being used in the recording.
One important thing to note about this lock is that although has letters instead of numbers on the dial,
it does not include every letter in the alphabet. Based on the image we are given, we can tell that it excludes J
, K
, Q
, V
, X
, and Z
. Part of the dial isn’t visible in the image, so I double checked that these were the only excluded letters by looking up the model number based on the image’s filename.
Searching for Masterlock 1573l
leads us to the product page where we can verify that ABCDEFGHILMNOPRSTUWY
is the correct alphabet for our lock.
From here, it’s time to write a script to simulate the combination input based on everything we know. As we do so, there will be a number of different questions to take into consideration:
Working through all of these questions took a bit of trial and error (attempting different combinations of answers to the questions above, then looking through the output to see if it contained anything that made sense). The code below is what I ended up with, but you should be able to see where it would be pretty easy to modify it if any of the questions above needed to be answered differently.
# letters on the dial, in order; note that JKQVXZ are excluded as they do not appear on the dial
# number of short clicks in each set of clicks in the recording
clicks = [5, 5, 17, 14, 13, 7, 14, 13, 21, 13]
# initial direction to turn is right. Set to False for left
right = True
# iterate through different starting positions on the dial
for value in range(0, len(alphabet)):
for c in clicks:
if right:
# increase position by that many clicks, plus one for the big click at the end
value += c + 1
# decrease position by that many clicks, plus one for the big click at the end
value -= c + 1
# reverse turning direction after each letter
right = not right
# print the character at that position on the dial; the mod (%) makes it so the position "wraps around" if value is negative or larger than 20
print(alphabet[value % (len(alphabet))], end='')
# start a new line
The outer for
loop iterates through all the possible starting positions, so we end up with the following output:
Most of the possible combinations seem to be meaningless, but one of them makes sense: AROUNDWEGO
. Following the format from flag.txt we get CTF{AROUNDWEGO}